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Belize City
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Non-aligned; hands of friendship; national survival

EditorialNon-aligned; hands of friendship; national survival

Monday, October 7, 2024

These are some serious times, what with wars raging in different parts of the world, and threatening to get even bigger. If there is anything this generation of Belizeans, most of whom are young, under 35, should know, it is that this world we are living in is becoming a more dangerous place; and it should be our wish and prayer to maintain peace within our borders and with all our neighbors, for the greater happiness in life for all our people. For this reason, with the world powers, in their scramble for superiority and control over the wealth and resources of the planet, seemingly hell bent on engaging in military confrontations, with massive loss of life and displacement of innocent civilians as collateral damage, we in little Belize have to tread carefully, like a youth in a gang infested neighborhood.

We’re just trying to recover from the spate of inflation that was unleashed upon us in the aftermath of the Covid-pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, and now with the Israeli genocidal “war” against the Palestinian people in Gaza spreading into Lebanon, and Syria, and looking to involve Iran, while the USA confirms its “iron-clad” support for Israel’s “right to self-defense”, it seems like things could get a lot worse in terms of world commerce and thus the availability and prices of imported goods into Belize. And as the big world powers begin to coalesce into two major opposing blocs, the West – USA and its NATO allies, and the BRICS and their allies, Belize finds itself in a vulnerable position. We have declared our support for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, as they stand in a similar position to our little Belize, aside from the bloodshed, when we were engaged in intense diplomatic battles to gain our independence with all our territory intact. There can be no turning back from our just position on Palestine, although it would appear to put us in the direct opposing path of our most powerful friend to the north, the USA.

Miraculously, under the guidance and leadership of Father of the Nation, George Cadle Price, the so-called “Peaceful, Constructive, Belizean Revolution” captured the heart and the support of the USA through its remarkable president, Jimmy Carter, and that was the decisive turn in favor of the new nation of Belize in the face of the persistent Guatemalan claim. But Carter, who had also put a halt to the US arms flow to the oligarchy in Guatemala in the midst of its genocidal campaign against its indigenous Maya population, was summarily removed from the US presidency after only one term in office, so that he was not even in office to welcome the new nation of Belize in 1981. Tactfully, having garnered the vital support of Panama and Cuba along with other members of the “non-aligned” nations grouping, Price announced in his independence speech that Belize would be joining the non-aligned group of nations, thereby keeping its options open to friendship with all nations and peoples of the world. It was an important step, even in the presence of the USA, which has entertained a long-time friendship with and influence in Guatemala, some say similar to its relationship with Israel, though perhaps with not as total a commitment of support.

Of course, as much economic interest and influence as the US exhibits in Guatemala, it has never been the case that Guatemala needs the US support to defend itself against any other nation; their problem is internal. It is frightening that right next door to us, during their 1960-1996 Civil War, the massacre of Mayan villagers occurred with as much regularity or impunity as what is seen today on television taking place against Palestinians in Gaza at the hands of Israel, a major ally of Guatemala. Indeed, it is documented that when President Carter halted the U.S. arms assistance to Guatemalan due to atrocities being committed by the military, it was Israel that filled the gap and provided weapons and ammunitions to the Guatemalan military.

But little Belize, as much as we exist within the realm of influence and control of the mightiest military on earth, cannot, and must not “align” ourselves with the continuing barbarity and genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people. And neither are countless thousands of the very American people, who have been protesting and demonstrating for months against their own government’s funds being used to provide the bombs for the Israeli massacre of women, children and other innocents in Gaza.

As much as we admire the USA, and love the American people, who constitute a melting pot of races and cultures much like we do, we Belizeans must follow the wise guidance of our own founding fathers, where international alliances are concerned. And we should remain “non-aligned” until that stance no longer serves our own national interests.

Some of our leaders, indeed this current cadre coming from the very party of the independence movement set into motion by the Father of the Nation, in their quest for short-term economic gains, may run the risk of sacrificing the long term security interests of Belize, by being reluctant to state our case on the world stage in regards to the unwelcome aggression and violation of our territorial integrity by our western neighbor, even as we have both agreed to settle the claim Guatemala has on our territory at the ICJ.

It is noteworthy that chief among the “Group of Friends” that sponsored the process whereby Belizeans were encouraged to take their case with Guatemala to the ICJ, was the USA, Guatemala’s main supporter from the days of the Webster’s Proposals back in 1966, long before this current generation of Belizeans was born.

Nevertheless, our case is strong and righteous, and it is timely at this juncture to recall the words chosen by Father of the Nation, the Rt. Hon. George Price at Belize’s admittance to the United Nations on September 25, 1981.

In reference to the “threat to this peace” posed by our neighbor Guatemala, prime minister Price stated:

“Yet, we stand ready to pursue the formula for peace agreed upon by the United Kingdom, Guatemala and Belize, in a determined endeavor to search for a peaceful solution of the dispute between the United Kingdom and Guatemala, without prejudice to our sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Note that he said “between the United Kingdom and Guatemala” and “without prejudice to our sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

That we now find ourselves at the ICJ flies in the face of all that P.M. Price had seemingly achieved with our Independence on September 21, and admittance into the United Nations on September 25, 1981. His very next paragraph is instructive:

“To all who helped bring Belize to a secure Independence with all its territory, and to membership of the United Nations, we extend our deepest thanks.” Note: “with all its territory.”

Notwithstanding the grievous omissions from Belize’s statement to the recent U.N. General Assembly, Belizean citizens can still earnestly hope and pray that our faith will be exonerated with the verdict of the ICJ in forever putting to rest the unjust Guatemalan claim to our Land of the Free, Belize, our Homeland by the Sea.

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