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People get ready!

FeaturesPeople get ready!

Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 2:52 PM

The pusillanimous attitude of the Democrats in congress, of the Democratic Party as a whole, is very disheartening to many of us, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, who aren’t awed by, or haven’t been seduced by the Crimson King! Over the last two weeks, or rather the first two weeks of his reign (this is not a president, this is a king) he has been extraordinarily bold in his quest to destroy democracy, as we know it! He is showing how mean, and especially how petty and vindictive a human being can be! How irresponsible as a president he is, in choosing totally unqualified candidates to serve in the most important positions in government! Defense, Justice, the CIA, National Security, Health, all have some of the most unqualified and underrated candidates selected to represent them!

The pusillanimity extends to the Republican Congress, who have castrated themselves, who have succumbed to his every outrageous and dangerous choice. Every single one of them knows that Hegseth, Patel, Gabbard and Kennedy, are the least qualified to lead those vital organs of government! The least qualified! But instead of slapping down his recklessness, they go along with the program, just to be in his good graces. In other words, they are forfeiting the welfare of the nation for the benefit of an untethered, unstable carnival barker who doesn’t care, and who doesn’t respect them or their opinions! If you are a Republican, you owe your allegiance to der Trump, not to the Constitution. Wat a ting!

The Democrats have watched his Nuremberg rally, where his chief advisor, the world’s richest person, a South African with Nazi tendencies, gave the Nazi salute, not once, but twice! Even the German press called it a Nazi salute. They have watched as he demonizes patriots like General Milley, even having his portrait taken down. They have watched as he took away security from Milley and Dr. Fauci and many others. They watch as he is methodically dismantling the Justice Department, FEMA, the FBI, and many other agencies that are important in the daily lives of citizens. They have watched as he blames DEI for all the ills of the country, DEI and immigration! He does that not realizing that Patel and Tulsi and all the women and the few minorities he surrounds himself with, are all there because of DEI! He’s following Ron DeSantis in trying to wipe out the history of slavery and black people as a whole! What a petty little man!

In the meantime, there have been faint murmurings on the fringes of the opposition. It is disgusting the way they have responded to these life-changing issues that will have a lasting effect upon the wellbeing of this nation. At least in his first administration, he wasn’t king yet; women came out in droves to show their displeasure and apprehension about him being president! It is also sad to say that a majority of women still voted for him in 2024, knowing his record! But the Democratic response has been weak and defeatist at the most.

America is returning to a time when racism, misogyny and xenophobia were common. That meanness by those who are threatened by change is accelerating at warp speed, in my opinion. Trump’s apologists will claim that he’s more bluster than anything. They will claim that it’s bluster, even as the “concentration camps” are being filled up with “undesirables”, when birthright is being denied, when the press will have to toe the line, when fiction becomes facts and vice versa! Then they will justify his illegal and reprehensible actions by claiming it is necessary for the welfare and security of the nation. The book, 1984, is becoming a reality right in front of us. But no, it’s all bluster?

There has to be an answer to this age of lawlessness in government. Where up is down and north is south! There has to be some stopgap to prevent the total usurpation of our nation by oligarchs and politicians with autocratic tendencies! We need a Joan of Arc to lead us out of this darkness into the light. All the men are suffering from gonadal agenesis; in other words, they have no balls! Once again, we have to look to women to save us from our age d’or, of instability, cruelty and loss of hope for the future of the United States, the Gulf of America, the 51st and 52nd states of Canada and Greenland, and of the Trump Canal in Panama!

People, get ready!


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KEN + RHABURN = 93 + 89

Child Stimulation Month

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