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Belize City
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Belize City Council Flag Raising Ceremony

by Roy Davis (freelance reporter) BELIZE CITY, Sun....

Another 1970s top footballer, Charles “Chuck” Gutierrez passes

BELIZE CITY, Mon. Sept. 2, 2024 We received...

End child marriages

Photo: Shakira Sutherland, Executive Directive for National...

Should I go or should I stay?

FeaturesShould I go or should I stay?

Monday, July 8, 2024

I know that the press can be like a lion stalking its prey, indefatigable, unrelenting and insatiable! Once you’re caught in that grip, between its jaws, escape is almost impossible. I usually become very upset at the press sometimes, but in the case of Joseph R. Biden, they are absolutely right! For those of you who read my columns, you know that I’m rabidly anti-Trump, that for me he has no redeeming virtues. I also have been a fervent Biden supporter, and still am. But after last week’s debate, I have joined the throng calling for him to step down! For the greater good, and to prevent us from living under authoritarian rule!

I was very surprised and absolutely disappointed by his inexplicable, meandering responses to the questions that were asked of him, and also by his interactions with the Crimson King, who was very careless with facts and figures, as he’s wont to be, every chance he gets. His mendacity is unequalled in American politics. All his equivocations, his blatant disregard for facts, have been ignored because of Joe’s alarming and un-reassuring performance!

This good man has been overwhelmed by age, the pressures and stress of being president! He has done an incredible job as president; I won’t mention his many accomplishments in the last three and a half years, but it’s all been positive! Sure, inflation has gutted our pocketbooks, but that is a worldwide phenomenon, brought on by the plague and its aftereffects! He has served this country honorably, for over 50 years, and even though Republicans tried to tar him with the stink of corruption that is so rampant with their guy, the Orange Orangutan, it didn’t stick, because it was not true! What a ting.

I believe that this decent, patriotic man should step down and let someone else carry the load. Even Jesus needed help carrying the cross to Calvary! It is time to put country over pride and chutzpah! It is time to let someone more energetic, more cognizant of the threat that Trump poses, confront him on his lawlessness, his unquenchable lust for power!

There is something more important than loyalty to a person, and that is loyalty to one’s country! To always want what is best for us collectively, not individually. As the old saying goes, no man is an island!

Many of my friends will disagree with me, but I remember the chaos of Trump’s rule 2017-21, and I’m positive that it would be worse if he was ever elected again! We cannot afford to find out!

So, Joe, please read the room, the writing on the wall, and do the honorable thing, before it’s too late. If you remain the candidate, I will support you 100%! But I’m afraid the unwashed masses would prevail, and then what?


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Belize City Council Flag Raising Ceremony

End child marriages

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