Yabra U-15 basketball – Poor and Famous still undefeated
In game 1 on Friday evening in the Yabra Sporting Club U-15 basketball tournament, it was Primary School All Stars over Messop Bulldogs, 36-30. All Stars were led by Alex Ellis and Michael Augustine with 13 pts each. For the Bulldogs Alejandro Baptist had 18 pts. Game 2 was Collet Lake, 33-26, over Kraal Road. Kachief Thomas scored 16 pts for Lake, and Delroy Faber got 8 pts for Kraal Road.
Saturday evening was big-up time for Kraal Road who bounced back to defeat South Side Ballers, 25-22. Gilroy Thurton sank 9 pts to lead Kraal Road, while Malcolm Robateau had 10 pts for South Side. And in game 2, Poor & Famous remains undefeated, clipping Collet Lake, 35-28. Curtis Lamb top scored with 21 pts for Poor & Famous, while Kachief Thomas replied with 20 pts in a losing effort for Lake.
Players of the week are Curtis Lamb of Poor & Famous, and Kachief Thomas of Collet Lake.