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Belize City
Saturday, July 27, 2024

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American, 30, stabbed in his home by so-called friends

CrimeAmerican, 30, stabbed in his home by so-called friends

An American visiting San Pedro is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed and almost killed by three men who had been socializing with him at his apartment in the Boca Del Rio area in San Pedro.

Police said that Shawn Patrick Danielly, 30, a film director, was in his apartment around 4:30 a.m. Sunday, October 21, when three men known to him entered the house to rob him.

He struggled with them, and one of the thieves stabbed him with a knife in the lower left side of the abdomen.

Police, who were called by the neighbors, entered Danielly’s apartment, where they found him lying on the floor bleeding from the wound. They took him to the clinic, after which he was rushed to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, where he was stabilized. He has since been released from the hospital.

Police said that the men were drinking with Danielly earlier that Saturday night and returned to Danielly’s apartment early Sunday morning to rob him. They gained entry through a back window that they broke, believing that he was asleep.

The noise of the breaking window alerted Danielly, who came out of his room to see what was happening. He then saw the three men who were socializing with him earlier in his apartment.

He told police that they were stealing his laptop computer, an IPod and his cell phone. He said that they attacked him when they realized that he had caught them, and one of them took out a knife and stabbed him.

Police captured the three men in San Pedro and took them to the city, where an identification parade was conducted, and the men were identified by the victim.

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