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Belize City
Friday, July 26, 2024

Ministry of Sports honors Belize volleyball Gold medalists

Photo: Gold medallists - national team motorcade by...

E-buses launched, embraced by Belize City commuters

BELIZE CITY, Mon. July 22, 2024 The runs...

Belizean Peter “Chukku” Young passes in Kingston, Jamaica

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 17, 2024 Amandala received...

Corrections to ACB article

LettersCorrections to ACB article

Dear Editor,
I refer to an article in the Amandala dated November 17, 2017, entitled “Where is the Association of Concerned Belizeans (ACB) now?”

I wish to point out two inaccuracies in the article on page 55. Firstly, I have checked with Dylan Vernon and he informed that he was never a member (active or inactive) of the ACB. This is in relation to the sentence which states: “This is the present status of some of the more prominent members of the ACB who were engaged in the war to being down the Musa/Fonseca government…”

Secondly, Dylan Vernon is now the Belize Ambassador to Brussels, and not Sweden as your paper inaccurately stated.

Larry Vernon

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