28.3 C
Belize City
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry of Sports honors Belize volleyball Gold medalists

Photo: Gold medallists - national team motorcade by...

E-buses launched, embraced by Belize City commuters

BELIZE CITY, Mon. July 22, 2024 The runs...

Belizean Peter “Chukku” Young passes in Kingston, Jamaica

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 17, 2024 Amandala received...

Dr. Sharmayne writes Mayor Darrell

LettersDr. Sharmayne writes Mayor Darrell

Dear Mayor Bradley,

As you begin to plan the trajectory of the City Council as it relates to your budget forecasting exercise, I would like to strongly recommend that you consider including a mechanical STREET SWEEPER for the City of Belize, at least in the first instance. I know we are already on this odyssey to ongoing street upgrading of utilizing manual labour, as seen by your Council’s decision to use Cisco Woods and hiring Southside males.

If I may also suggest, kindly include signage that will indicate to the citizens which side of the street they can park for the days that the streets will be cleaned.

I am very convinced that this could be equipment owned by the Council and the operators of these mechanical sweepers can be appropriately trained at the ITVET. I am hoping that we have not already contracted this service to party associates who are anticipating contracts that exceed the term of your Council’s governance.

Please treat my request as a public call and I am sure many other citizens will welcome this suggestion. Heck, I am sure they will be even willing to pay an extra dollar per household to pay for this.

Thus far, you have proven to be a visionary leader and it is my hope that you have included or can include this request in your vision. I have a growing concern because democracy will dictate who will take over as the next elected Mayor and by extension, the Council.

I noted, however, that you inherited with great delight, the City’s MASTER PLAN which you have publicly indicated you believe in and we are seeing this materializing with the advent of cement and paved streets across the City.

Belize City is considered an urban area and a business hub. We must seek not only for aesthetics, but for practicality, disease prevention (from the dust and airborne diseases) and also, preservation of the City’s investment (longevity of the street infrastructure) ensure that our progress is not deterred by a comprehensive process.

Dr. Sharmayne Saunders

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