A spirited and energized boxing veteran, in the person of Henry “Boxer” Gill, visited our sports desk this morning to inform us of encouraging news in his quest to realize his dream of operating his own boxing gym in the Lake Independence area of Belize City, where he presently resides. (We last reported on Boxer’s plans in our issue of Sunday, October 20, under the caption, “Boxer raring to go, needs a spot for a gym in Lake-I.”)
After an approximately 30-year sojourn in the U.S.A., Boxer has settled down in his old hometown for the past few years and has nurtured a vision of providing training for wayward youths, thus putting them on a positive path in life, at his own boxing gym.
Today, Gill likened the recent positive news to a good round in a boxing bout. “I feel like I just put in some good work, you know, some body blows on my opponent; and his head will soon be dropping lower down, so I can catch him with my left hook in the later rounds.” Boxer was referring to the news that a friend, tour guide Michael Pollard has offered him the available space in his yard to use for his boxing gym. “It’s only walking distance from my home on Electric Avenue,” declared Boxer, “and it has enough space to build a decent sized structure for the gym.”
With that first step toward his dream realized, Boxer says he is now seeking help in securing needed materials – 1 load sand and gravel, 22 sacks cement, and mesh wire – to begin casting the cement foundation for the gym.
“Today, I will check with Said Musa; and I will also try to see the P.M., who went to the same school as myself when we were boys.” Also, Gill said he had visited the UDP Lake-I office, where “The office lady promised to arrange for a chance to meet (area rep) Mark King.”
But Boxer is not pinning all his hopes on politicians. “There are a number of rounds to go, but I’m working my jab, bobbing and weaving, and I can see my opponent getting weaker.”
As he continues to pursue his vision of a boxing gym in Lake-I, Henry “Boxer” Gill says he is asking interested members of the public to contribute some of the needed materials to help make his dream for Belizean youths a reality. He can be contacted at cell # 666-8091.