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Belize City
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

On toxic agricultural products

LettersOn toxic agricultural products

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Dear Editor,
We are so very concerned about our children’s health, yet we readily feed them foods that we know are laden with poisonous pesticides. The big agro-chemical companies make toxic chemicals derived from petroleum and coal to kill weeds and bugs.

Petroleum and coal come from what has been dead for millions of years. We dig it up and burn it and what do we get? Death! And we make toxic agricultural products from them and what do we get? Death to wildlife, water, air, soil, food… increased cancers, birth defects, autoimmune diseases, etc.

We need to be proactive and tell the politicians and the corporations to either move over, or make the positive shift toward sanity when it comes to agriculture.

I would like to heartily thank Pro-organic Belize and the many other groups who came together to bring Dr. Stephanie Seneff to Belize to present her findings on glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup) to the public and to the Pesticide Control Board.

After listening to Dr. Seneff’s talks, I am convinced that Belize is now in a unique position to say no to glyphosate as she has done to GMO seeds.

Voices for Safe Food and Energy
(e-mail:voicesforsafeenergy @gmail.com)

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