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BELIZE CITY, Wed. June 12, 2024 The Belize...

Capitalist test, insults for trying

FeaturesCapitalist test, insults for trying
Cap test. In George Orwell’s classic, Animal Farm, we saw some wily hogs dupe innocent animals into believing that they would enter into the land of equal distribution milk and honey if they only shaped their ploughshares into muskets and followed them. Then, when the hogs attained power their true colors (obsession with worldly goods) showed through their rinds, and the rank and file on the farm got a hefty dose of what Belizeans tays every five years or soh. And the gullible “peasants” get the sense of why we seh: dammit, tu much time da jos monki fu blak daag.
Fortunately, thank the Almighty, a man named Fidel, a very close and beloved neighbor of ours, took over the reins in Cuba and showed the world and the Orwellians that not all people will get weak in the knees for a few dollars more. Much love and respect, Fidel, and when you get back in the saddle you can make long speech…but only now and then.
Now while Mr. Orwell of Animal Farm fame made no real attempt to esconder los motivos malvados of the anti-hero hogs, it is so that there are many politicians who really do start out on a benevolent tack, and woe, woe, arriving there, find the pikins so sweet, the pillows so fluffed, and the sheets so clean that they forget the masses. Hmmm, I’d like to lay wood there—but this piece today is not ehm…really about them. This piece, sorry, is about all of us innocent types who talk good and then do “bad” …forget our dear friends and neighbors when good fortune, or the spoils of hard work and “knowledge of the system” comes our way.
Yap, the business here is to blow away the smoke from in front of your eyes, avoid the disappointment of you climbing up, and then finding out that you are not for us, that you are one hundred plus percent capitalist for you…and you didn’t know it!
So, how can one tell while one is living at the bottom of the hill (poor as dirt) if one is a voracious capitalist pig type in waiting…or fu real? How can you tell if your disappointment in the system is not jos sour grapes? How do you get the low down on the one within? Simple, just follow the dots. Braa, sistren, you are a dormant capitalist if you:
·    are very concerned with the neighbor who has a bigger house than the one you live in, or has a better car than the one you drive.
·    watch Days of our Lives, or read People Magazine/pay attention to the lives of Hollywood stars on tv. Hn, there are a couple other prime pig shows worthy of mention but a don’t want to mash tu much kaan tideh.
·    came into a legacy, you would increase the size of your house, buy a fancy (ier) ride, vacation in Paris or Rome or other favorite Atomic 7 city, join a charitable organization …in that order,
·    dream of going to…yes… Disneyland with your family and friends.
Insults for trying. It’s political but I have to comment on the article in last week’s Reporter about the septic tanks being built by H. Boots Martinez and his UDP Port Loyola Committee. Really, how can a reporter write so coldly about a valiant project to improve sewerage disposal in a downtrodden side of town?
I don’t know the full story about the septic tank project in Port Loyola. But tell me, when was the last time a representative from the other side of government got so ambitious as to set about doing something special for his people? My, we are used to Opposition representatives spending their reserves tearing down, not building up. Why, when the Blue lost in 1984, rumor seh fu we Area Representative (Cayo South) went to cool out in L.A.
Maybe the gentleman (Mr. Boots) didn’t plan his project thoroughly enough, and ran out of money. Maybe somebody made him big promises and pulled out to make him look bad. Who knows, maybe there was a little hustling on the side. BUT it was a great humanitarian idea/effort! Please, give the man SOME appreciation.
Being that everyone has frailties, I expect that there are soft areas enough in the belly of H. Mr. Martinez and his Port Loyola Committee for his enemies to poke at. Really, how could he insult us by going on parade with the man who acquired our voice machine?
Hey, I know not Mr. Martinez, nor his PUP rival in Port Loyola, Mr. Rosado (?). I do not know any independents that are planning to surface for the big show in that area later this year either. I do not know that H. Martinez deserves to be returned to the House. But I know that an Opposition area representative who was so bold as fu try fu du thing in my area, would get big points from me.

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