CHAN CHEN, Corozal District, Mon. July 9, 2018– Yesterday around 5 p.m. in the village of Chan Chen, police who were conducting an anti-drug operation made a massive discovery of marijuana, ammunition, and firearms. The items were found in a white sack in what police described as a bushy area that is frequented by persons handling illicit items.
Included in the items that were collected during the bust were 35,740 grams of cannabis (or over 78 pounds); and several types of ammunition — 300 Eagle .223 rounds; 281 Remington .223 rounds; 100 Aguila .223 rounds; 1,000 Luger brand 9mm rounds; 53 Aguila 9mm rounds, 13 Aguila 12-gauge cartridges; 40 silver-colored .38 rounds; 1 SLR round and 104 A-K 47 rounds.
Additionally the officers found 12 empty AR-15 magazines; 1 empty AK-47 magazine; 1 pump action riot gun; 1 pump 12-gauge shotgun and 1 black AR-15 rifle.
They also discovered 1 black bulletproof vest, 1 beige bulletproof vest, 1 black ammunition jacket, and 1 grey waist magazine pouch.