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Belize City
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

KREM Television to become X TV

HighlightsKREM Television to become X TV

by Katie Numi Usher

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Feb. 22, 2024

KREM Television embarks on its 21st year with a total rebrand to honour its bak-a-di Zinc Fence, Kremandala roots. X TV, formerly known as KREM Television, will enter Belizean TV land on March 22, 2024.

This idea had been fermenting for some time.  Mose Hyde, on his return in the latter part of 2023 to active involvement in the station’s operations, decided to go full steam ahead, not only renaming the station, but also planning to revamp the look of the station, studio and set, and adding new programming. These are some very exciting times, baka Zinc.

X speaks to many things: Evan X Hyde; the Roman numeral 10; excellence; and a nod to how our ancestors chose X to reject enslavers’ surnames, and to acknowledge their ancestors whom they were violently ripped away from, and whose names were purposefully withheld.

Evan X Hyde, the man from whom so many Belizeans learned, and continue to know about our Blackness, our Indigenousness and Belizean history in general, reverberates throughout the station’s new name. X’s articles in the Amandala, most specifically the From The Publisher column, have single-handedly reversed much of the damage resulting from the erasure of Indigenous history in our schools. Whether that Indigeneity is from Africa, Asia, the Americas or beyond, chances are, you won’t learn about any of it within the Belizean school system. 

The grassroots mindset is woven throughout all the media houses on the Kremandala compound: Amandala, Krem Radio and X TV – media houses, which, against all odds, have managed to stay true to this at a very high cost.

The name change was not only fitting, but inevitable: X TV

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