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Belize City
Saturday, September 14, 2024

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Plastic covers and carpetbaggers!

FeaturesPlastic covers and carpetbaggers!

Friday, August 23, 2024 at 1:14 PM

Do you remember when you were kids, when your parents would buy beautiful living room furniture and then cover them in plastic? I don’t know if that is still done these days, but to me it made for uncomfortable sitting. You would slide off the couch or sofa. You couldn’t appreciate the smell or the texture of the material, and you couldn’t really get comfortable settling into it. It was restricting, in my opinion, and when I bought my own furniture, no plastic could ever come near any of them!

The UDP is the plastic cover for the beginning of the PUP’s journey into the same corrupt system that caused the UDP to be in the position they are right now! This opposition party is small, insignificant, and divided. We don’t know who the leader is. We can’t understand why they have abusers of women and persona non grata in the United States, still playing active roles in the organization. Out of a population of 400,000, they could not find more suitable recruits to replace those who have proven unfit to hold office, people whom you wouldn’t hire to teach or babysit your children?

The PUP is so confident in the fact that they will be reelected next year, and that’s my assessment as well, unless a bolt of lightning strikes everyone down dead. I believe that it is because of this fact that they can, with impunity, begin to do what the opposition was so unceremoniously dumped for! They have no one to stop them, and their moral compass appears to be going awry! I hear that Wall Street wants to move its headquarters to Belmopan. Investors from all over the world are clamoring for a piece of the action; investing in Belize gives one unimaginable profit margins!

This latest land deal stinks to high heaven, literally and figuratively! That it was done before next year’s election, tells you all you need to know about what they think of that plastic cover, the UDP! And the opposition can’t say a damn thing about it, because they did the same thing, over and over! So, they are weak, disorganized, and flailing about like fish outta water! What a ting!

It takes foreigners who buy up our natural resources for pennies on the dollar, to exploit and profit off the backs of Belizeans! We are too stupid and naive, to be that cold-blooded in taking advantage of each other; well, most of us are, I believe. The money from that land hustle will probably leave Belize and be spent elsewhere, invested elsewhere. And it is a land hustle, a brazen one that has to shock most people, at least people of conscience! And these grifters are protected; they sold the land to the government. I suppose eminent domain is foreign to Belize, where government can set the price for land deemed necessary for the benefit of the development of the country!

I don’t know who, or if anyone got rich off this deal, except for the Chinese investors; but when you have one-party rule, things like this happen. It would behoove this current government to temper their greedy and unconscionable members, who are starting to abuse the goodwill and confidence placed in them by a public that put them in office to protect them from such malfeasance!

This reminds me of Groundhog Day, SSDD: same shit, different day!


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