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Belize City
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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War crimes!

FeaturesWar crimes!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

With the world enraptured with the Olympics, and most of the world hypnotized by the American elections this fall, we have started to look at the genocide in Gaza as another passing fancy, not the hell and terror that it is, especially for the children! While our attention has been centered elsewhere, the criminal Netanyahu and his rogue regime are doing their darnedest to kill every Palestinian in Gaza. Their forces are committing acts of sodomy on Palestinian prisoners in their jails. When did Israel lose its humanity, its respect for life, especially after the Holocaust they lived through in the last century?

I don’t want anyone telling me I’m anti-Semitic; you don’t know me and what’s in my heart. Whenever you condemn the war criminal Netanyahu, you are supposedly condemning the state of Israel! Netanyahu is not the state of Israel; he is the Prime Minister ruling Israel with a minority, mega-MAGA religious group of zealots who hate the Palestinians! The majority of Israelis want him gone; not only gone, but in jail for his lesser crimes! His cabal are the same people that don’t want their sects to serve in the military, but at the same time are the loudest, most vociferous supporters of the total annihilation of the innocent civilians, who are being indiscriminately targeted and killed! Again, especially the children.

Netanyahu is doing his best to prolong this conflict to stay out of jail. Trump is doing the same thing—running for office to stay out of jail! But by doing so, more and more innocents are dying, and that seems to be okay with the world. Yesterday, August 10, they bombed a school- compound-turned-shelter, using the same tired excuse that Hamas terrorists were inside. Over 90 persons, including kids, were slaughtered; and where’s the evidence of Hamas hiding in that building?

Hamas is a terrorist group that is holding Gaza hostage! What they did last October on the borderlands was atrocious and unforgivable, and they should face retribution. Netanyahu has never answered to the fact that it was his responsibility to protect the victims, and that he failed miserably! Instead, he suddenly became self-righteous and started a one-sided war against the population of Gaza!

My point is that I’m not denying the fact that Israel should have responded to the attack; it is their indiscriminate methods that I question. The inhumane response, killing over 40,000 and with no end in sight. No, man! That is unacceptable, especially when carried out by a country and people that have suffered gross indignities for over 2,000 years!

I just don’t want us to forget Gaza or Ukraine because of all the other distractions occurring in our now! We cannot close our eyes to the systematic destruction of a race; wait! We went through that before, and now the once oppressed are now the proponents of another final solution? Not Israel itself, but Netanyahu and his cohorts? What a ting!

Earlier this spring and early summer it was in vogue to be supporting Gaza. That has faded into the background like everything else does after a few months. While we are living La Vida Loca, there are thousands upon thousands of children being killed, are starving and dying, and being denied the opportunity to mature into decent human beings. WTF?

I was going to write about the ancient Maya civilization this week, but the present is more demanding of our attention. It breaks my heart when I see infants, little boys and girls who should be outside playing with toys, being denied their innocence by bombs and starvation and death. Something’s gotta give!


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