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Belize City
Saturday, July 27, 2024

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6-year-old escaped death in “dalla-van”

Headline6-year-old escaped death in “dalla-van”

A minor, 16, was shooting at a rival gang member and a bullet hit the rear window of the van

BELIZE CITY, Mon. May 14, 2018– Lamar Orellana, 6, was almost killed when a 16-year-old minor fired at a rival gang member on Central American Boulevard, who was running away from him. The minor fired about 10 shots at the rival gang member, one of which hit the rear window of a “dalla-van” that had stopped in front of Gadgets store, at the corner of Vernon Street and Central American Boulevard.

Orellana and his mother were in the back seat of the van, which was headed towards Cemetery Road at about 9:30 Saturday morning.

The bullet shattered the van’s glass, and the splinters entered the right side of Orellana’s back.

The police, who were on patrol in the area, heard the gunshots, and quickly apprehended the minor before he could escape.

Orellana was taken to the hospital, where doctors said that his injury was not caused by the bullet, but by the glass fragments that impacted his back when the bullet shattered the glass. He was treated and later released.

During the weekly police briefing held this morning at the Raccoon Street Police Station, ACP Alejandro Cowo said that when the minor was arrested, he was found with a 9mm pistol, which was loaded with 5 live rounds.

The minor was charged with keeping a gun and ammunition without a gun license, discharging a firearm in public and causing dangerous harm.

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