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Friday, July 26, 2024

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Has Minister Elrington signed a new agreement with Guatemala?

RegionalHas Minister Elrington signed a new agreement with Guatemala?

Amandala was informed today of a news item appearing online, captioned “World Court To Settle Guatemala, Belize 200-year-old Boundary Dispute,” and dated July 2, 2014, claiming that Belize’s Foreign Minister Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington has signed an accord with Guatemala in Washington.

Indications from the Organization of American States are that Foreign Ministers from the hemisphere are meeting in Washington this week; however, the OAS reports on no such signing.

The credibility of the article appearing on http://www.bernama.com.my/, which claims to be the official national news agency of Malaysia, is dubious, since it also names Guatemala’s Foreign Minister as Roger Rodas, when the current Foreign Minister is Fernando Carrera.

It also reproduces quotes published last year, January 2013, of comments made by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and adds to them comments Elrington reportedly made to the Caribbean Media Corporation after officials from the region met under the umbrella of the Central American Integration System in the Dominican Republic, and passed over the presidency to Belize.

The Malaysia article says that, “Guatemala continues to press its claim to some 12,700 square kilometers of Belizean soil, which amounts to more than half of the former British colony’s territory.”

We will attempt to get an official position from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this matter.

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