In last week Tuesday’s issue of the Amandala, we mentioned a peculiar incident that reportedly occurred at the Ministry of Natural Resources in Belmopan earlier this month. The incident involved a suspicious package that, according to media reports on Plus TV News on Friday, August 23, was allegedly sent to the Ministry’s Belmopan office and addressed to one of the three top-ranking public officers in the Ministry.
The package reportedly consisted of an envelope that contained a threatening note and a bullet. However, further details regarding the circumstances of the alleged incident were not forthcoming until now.
Upon opening the envelope, which was addressed to the official, we were told, the official allegedly discovered a matchbox, and inside the matchbox, there was a 9-millimeter bullet. But there’s more. Allegedly written on the underside flap of the envelope was a death threat in Spanish. It reportedly read “Compensa bien or muere”, which, when translated, means “pay up well or die.”
Interestingly, when the envelope arrived at its recipient, there was another piece of paper covering it. The piece of paper allegedly had the name of a person inscribed on it. The person was reportedly detained by police and his home was searched.
However, that person has been subsequently released, we were told, because police did not find anything that could implicate him in the incident.
However, Superintendent Sinquest Martinez, O.C. Belmopan Police, told Amandala that he could not provide us with any information regarding the incident because he is not aware of the report. The Police Press Officer, Rafael Martinez, told us that as far as he knows, the incident was “rumored,” and he has no further information about what might have transpired, apart from what has already been rumored.
When we attempted to contact the Commissioner of Lands for comment, we were told that he will not be in office until next week.
Nevertheless, according to Plus TV News, the information had been confirmed by sources within the Lands Department.