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Thank you, Mama

FeaturesThank you, Mama
When I was a little boy in Acapulco, I cried for many years because of the absence of my mother. A time came when I used to curse her from far because I grew without the pleasure of receiving the love of a mother. There was even a time when I had a negative feeling towards her, mixed with love. It is a feeling very hard to explain. But whatever powers there are above us, gave me the opportunity to sit and talk with her for 13 years. We cried, we begged each other for forgiveness before she passed away. The first of August 2008, made it two years since she went ahead of us. My mother had always loved me, just that I couldn’t understand why she had to send me away and why she had to leave me there.
In our Maya religious beliefs, it is that her spirit is right here with me and whatever I do and wherever I go, she is always with me. In all births there is a process with pain. (Of course, except the Belize Independence birth style.) My mother went through pain during and after giving me birth. And I went through 40 years of pain to be what I am today. 
I am a human being with a lot of imperfections. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I am all what I have. A friend of mine told me to be careful because of the messages I am sending through my writings, because the people of Belize will take me for a communist. And to be a communist in Belize is something similar as a terrorist for the elite powers of this so-called nation of Belize.
Well, there I was trying to explain to my friend that I am a Christian, communist, socialist, humanist and nationalist. My friend just couldn’t understand what I was talking about. I looked my friend in his eyes and I could have seen that he didn’t know what I was saying. That’s when for one of so many times, my mind went to my mother and I said internally to her, “Thank you, Mama. If it wasn’t because of your sacrifice and the pain we went through, I wouldn’t be able to see further than the point of my nose. I don’t think of myself as superior to others. I am of the belief that each one of us has a work to do; call it a mission if you want.
There are those who are very skillful in manual works, such as mechanics, carpenters, electricians, masons, etc. A few years ago it was more important for a person to gain a respectable name than to enrich themselves off the lack of understanding of others in their field. In other words, to steal from the weaker ones. There are those who take advantage of the gift they were born with to be messengers of the Almighty. But guess what? These lazy Camajans receive payment, big check to do the work they were sent to do, and they take advantage of the indoctrinated innocence. Not only that, they are like the Serpent knowing about the so-called weakness of Eve. Boy, how I like that little story about Eve, the Serpent and Adam. I wonder who was Cain’s Father?
Brother Marvin mentioned in his article, entitled “My comments on the communal land rights of the Maya” published in the Amandala on Sunday, January 11, 2009, stating that Mr. Assad Shoman said, “What if we started asking ourselves am I poor because I was born this way, or because of my decisions? Or what if some people started asking about land and found out that 90% of our Belizean land is owned by 1% of our people, then some people are going to be in trouble.” 
What he said is true. Our revolution started with the refusal of our people, the Maya, by not accepting the domination of the Europeans (Spaniards-British). Our ancestors, the African slaves, revolted against oppression. Our General Workers Union, with Antonio Soberanis Gomez and others who have put themselves at the front line with their revolutionary ideas, knowing beforehand that they will get no recognition or support from the same ones who they were (are) fighting for.
Do you remember the story of Jesus the Christ? He cured the sick, fed the hungry, brought up the dead, taught about moral values, chased the greedy businessmen from the temple of His Father. Have you asked yourselves what is the temple of the Almighty? Do you think it’s a building of stone, lumber, etc.? Jesus Christ was betrayed and crucified by His own people, but He fulfilled His mission. He was a revolutionary, communist, socialist, humanist, capitalist and nationalist.
Our revolutionary spirits have always existed fighting against the evil makers. Yes, Brother, and after we learn that the 90% of the Belizean land is owned only by 1% of a people, then in this 2009 Referendum we vote NO to the ICJ- Compromis. And we take back our land by any means. United We Shall Conquer
Is there anyone who has some information about the “Catholic Action Group” sometime in the 1950s?
16th January 2009
Finca Solana
Corozal Town

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