To under-stand fully what the present admini-stration is foisting upon us, you have to know who we truly are.
Are we really only a mixtum-gatherum of races from far-flung places deposited somewhat by accident into swamps and other beautiful but not gloriously spectacular hills and valleys that we have named Belize?
Even close friends and relatives rail at me, scoffing: the Battle of St. George’s Caye is a myth. NO! It was real! WE WON!
Sometimes unbelief, absence of faith in a benevolent Providence blinds us from seeing a finger writing, spelling out realities past and future.
“In hoc signo vinces (In this sign you will conquer)” was the message to Constantine the Great as he approached the Milvian Bridge in Italy. Having won this battle, two years later he declared religious toleration for Christians, resulting in an expansive explosion of Christ’s kingdoms throughout the length and breadth of the Roman Empire.
Review the pages of the history of Western Civilization.
About 1423 a young maiden, Joan of Arc, began to help the son of Charles VI of France to retain and unify the kingdom of her country. Through her prayers and efforts Charles VII was crowned in 1429, and he prevented the English from dividing her country. Betrayed by traitors she was burned at the stake on a charge of witchcraft. Everyone now remembers St. Joan of Arc, no one the traitors!
Closer to our time: In 1917 World War 1 was raging in the trenches of battlefields over Central Europe. Portugal was gripped by atheistic forces stamping out religious belief and especially Catholicism. In a little place called Fatima, rumours were swirling around that the Blessed Virgin Mary was appearing to three simple peasant children. The Lady was urging faith and peace. Much of Europe and Portugal scoffed, but the Lady promised a sign.
On a heavy, rainy day thousands of people came to the place of the apparitions to witness what would be a revelation from heaven or a hoax. From a sodden sky the rain stopped pouring. Then, looking at the sky, the crowd gasped from awesome fear as the sun seemed to gyrate and plummet onto earth. Miracle or what?! Newspapers throughout Europe published the photograph of the event. Fiction or Truth?
There is an axiom: for those who believe no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.
CB Hyde is the only person I know who was offered the highest public office in the land. In 1998 after a landslide victory, new Prime Minister Musa offered CB the Governor General’s high office; he refused, because of his wife’s inclination to privacy and as a compliment to the present holder.
I refer to this historical event because the most important (probably) measure of the so-called New Equality Bill seeks to recommend that bill by offering the Governor General the power to appoint the Commissioner of the Tribunal and of the Commission that will judge and determine cases of discrimination.
Refer to Ch IV of the Constitution Section 30; it says: “There shall be a Governor General of Belize who shall be a citizen of Belize appointed by her Majesty and shall hold office during Her Majesty’s pleasure.”
Do you know what that means?
“Her pleasure” is actually “his” pleasure, meaning that at any time the Prime Minister of Belize may call Her Majesty and ask that His Excellency be replaced by someone who is compliant. Of course, no explanation would be required, and it would be done.
I renounce any suggestion of disrespect to the present holder of the office, but merely offer sound advice that he holds no executive power and by the Constitution must submit to the “order” of the Prime Minister. That is our Constitution; no “ifs”, “ands” or “buts.”
My comment: Mr. Attorney General, dig up a more plausible legalese trick; as is the case with your use of the term, “after consultation,” you need a new trick. This one stands exposed.
Like me, most Belizeans reject the foolishness of Rosseau, Marx, Nietzsche, and others… We not only believe, but KNOW that GOD IS.
From early childhood COMMON SENSE has told me that evidence of the world as it is, declares to me the validity of the first founding principle of the BELIZE CONSTITUTION:-
The People of Belize… “AFFIRM that the nation of Belize shall be founded upon principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God…”
Much deceiving, trickery, and outright lying are the weapon of the Liberal Agenda. The Gay Agenda is now full force in its attack in Belize.
While we declare the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, we shall peacefully resist, proving, as has been done before that (1) the power of the pen is mightier than the sword, (2) that COMMON SENSE is impregnable to lies and deceit, and (3) the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.
We shall not accept “Equal Opportunity” without a REFERENDUM!
IF your 85% of acceptance is true, you will not fear a test – A REFERENDUM.