BELIZE CITY, Sun. June 13, 2021– The Minister of Health and Wellness, Hon. Michel Chebat, signed new curfew regulations ahead of the expiration of the most recent curfew period that had been put in place a month ago through COVID-19 legislation . The newly issued SI 66 of 2021 has ensured the continuation of the curfew, which is aimed at preventing, controlling, containing, and suppressing the spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus by putting in place another 30-day curfew period, starting June 14.
This new regulation also reduces the length of the daily curfew period by 1 hour — with the nighttime curfew ending at 4:00 a.m. each day instead of at 5:00 a.m.
The SI (Statutory Instrument) was signed by the Minister of Health and Wellness, Hon. Michel Chebat, and gazetted on June 12.