Photo: COMPOL Chester Williams escorts Governor General,
H.E. Dame Froyla Tzalam inspecting Women Police Officers
by Kristen Ku
BELMOPAN, Mon. Mar. 20, 2023
The month of March has been set aside for the celebration of our strong and hardworking women in society.
And in staying true to Women’s Month, a number of organizations and institutions in the country are honoring women and their contribution to their fields.
On Friday of last week, the Police Department honored 62 female officers by promoting them from their respective ranks at a ceremony held in Belmopan.
These 62 women were from a list of officers who sat promotional exams and interviews and were highly recommended for promotions.
The ceremony took place at the Police Training Academy, and in attendance were the Governor General, H.E. Dame Froyla Tzalam; and Madam Speaker, Hon. Valerie Woods, who presented awards to these officers.
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams was also there and reiterated to local reporters the appreciation female workers should receive.
Like most working women, women police officers wear many hats throughout their day. They are not only employees but also mothers, wives, and even students.