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Hotel reservation now needed for travel to Mexico?

HeadlineHotel reservation now needed for travel to Mexico?

BELIZE CITY, Mon. Apr. 17, 2023 

During Easter weekend 2023 when thousands of Belizeans resumed cross-border travel to Mexico, there was a report on social media that Mexican immigration authorities had started requesting proof of hotel reservations for Belizean travellers. The cited reason for the big change was that it was a precautionary measure to tackle the increase in individuals transiting through Mexico to get to the United States, many of them illegally.

There was no formal notice of a change by the Mexican government, though the report attributed information to Belize’s Honorary Consul in Quintana Roo, Dr. Luis Gilberto Maldonado. Since then, Belize’s Ambassador to Mexico, H.E. Oscar Arnold, has been trying to confirm the facts but has, so far, not obtained anything concrete from Mexican officials. He said Dr. Maldonado told him that a Mexican immigration official had verbally indicated that the change had been implemented but only for Belizeans travelling further than Quintana Roo. The Ambassador polled a few travellers on his own and says some said they were not asked for proof of hotel reservations, whereas others indicated they were asked but simply replied they would sort out accommodations while in Mexico, and they were allowed to continue on their way.

Ambassador Arnold has reached out to his counterpart in Belize, who has told him that they are trying to get more information on the matter. An official at the Embassy of Mexico in Belize told Amandala that no change has been implemented, and any Belizean who experiences an issue should make a report via e-mail at [email protected]. H.E. Arnold did say that had it been an issue, they certainly would have known, given that anywhere between 10,000 and 14,000 Belizeans would have travelled to Mexico over the Easter weekend. He said, “We haven’t been appraised of any major incidents. So, I am hoping that all is – if not normal – at least civil at the border crossing.”

Arnold commented, “I know that the hoteliers in Chetumal will not be super happy about this, and I have already heard that they’ve requested a meeting to discuss this issue, if in fact, the immigration authorities will stick to this hard and fast rule of having a hotel reservation prior to travel, because we know that at that border area, the practice is to go across, then you find your accommodations.” The concern is that implementing more regulations serves as a deterrent for Belizeans to visit Mexico.

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