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Belize City
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The king is dead! Long live the queen!

FeaturesThe king is dead! Long live the queen!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I am waiting for the excitement and the novelty of replacing President Biden with a black, Asian woman to subside, before I can make my predictions about the outcome of the coming elections. So far, it has all been positive; but again, one can get caught up in the moment and throw caution to the wind, only to be disappointed later on.

I voted for Joe Biden, not because he was a Democrat, but because of the man he is. He has suffered great personal losses in his life, he has overcome physical disabilities to reach the pinnacle of power in the United States. I voted for him because I believed that he would protect the interests of ordinary citizens, because of his empathy and his concern for everyone! And I also voted for him because the alternative was too disruptive, in a bad way, and was only in the race for his own benefit, not for we, the people! And to show how unselfish he is, he has relinquished his chance for a second term, for the greater good! Also, because it was time for him to go! A true patriot!

My opinion is that we should not misunderestimate, a George W. Bush malapropism, the power of Kamala Harris, her qualifications, and the power of women in this country! A former prosecutor, attorney general of California, a senator from California, and Vice President of the United States! One of my dearest friends reminded me that Hillary was very qualified, but came up short because women sometimes resent successful women. She might be right, but this time there is too much at stake for women, in this race, to be petty or picky!

Women’s rights and women’s health are some of the most important issues in this campaign! Donald Trump and his clone, Vance, are two of the most misogynistic candidates to ever run for office, so there’s that. The Republican Party and their backers want to take us back to a past that reflects their Neanderthal beliefs! They have already started a racist campaign against Miss Harris, which I truly believe will backfire. All the dog whistles and racist memes, I believe, will hurt them, especially among women of all colors and parties!

This new campaign will be between a seasoned prosecutor and a convicted felon!

Whenever he attacks her, she will remind him of his shortcomings, of which there are too many to mention in a short column! And if he bullies her, which is his trademark, I also believe that will backfire. But as I’ve said before, let the dust settle before we can start celebrating.

Kamala Harris is a much smarter, much more intelligent person than her opponent! While she was prosecuting criminals like him, he was firing contestants on his TV show, ripping off students who paid to attend his fake university, grabbing women by the you-know what, and keeping minorities out of his buildings! The contrast couldn’t be more stark, in my opinion.

I don’t know what will happen in November, but I’m quietly optimistic that the people will see through all the noise and fog and hate and disinformation, and do the right thing. If the Mexicans, a very macho-oriented society, can elect a woman as president, I believe we can do the same!

My gut instincts tell me that we will do the right thing. Let’s see what voters think, and do, this November! Long live the queen!


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