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Belize City
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Senator Erica Jang attended CPA Residency in Malaysia

Photo: Senator Erica Jang by Charles Gladden BELIZE CITY,...

National heroes on Belize bills

Photo: (l-r) Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price...

National and International Conference on Herbs held in Cayo

by Orlando Pulido SANTA ELENA, Cayo District, Sat....

Alcohol in a bottle, girl, 2 men of the “military” breed

FeaturesAlcohol in a bottle, girl, 2 men of the “military” breed

by Colin Hyde

So, Compol Williams got himself into some deep water for expressing his disappointment with the punishment a guy got for “wrestling” him. The story is that Compol was at a parade in Orange Walk Town and he saw a guy who reports say had a bottle of Belikin, and the Commissioner, being the serious cop that he is, asked the guy for the bottle. And the guy refused to hand it over.

According to the transcript on Channel 5 of the Commissioner’s comments on the incident, he said the guy was the type who acts “big and bad”, the guy was “in the company of a female”, he told the guy, very nicely, “Sir, you cannot be consuming alcohol in bottles”, and the guy got belligerent, grabbed his shirt and challenged him.

The Commissioner says he approached the guy in a nice way. Years ago, a very astute person told me that males who don’t know me read hostility in my aura. I was very surprised by his analysis, but I had wondered why at times guys had responded to me in ways I didn’t understand. I’ve told enough people how happy I am that my hair is greyish and now the guys call me, “Dads”. Whoa there, just for being so buff the first impression some people have of the Commissioner is that he wants to fight you.

I suspect a part of the responsibility for that incident falls on the shoulder of the Police Minister, Kareem. Compol Williams should be on a day off when people are having their alcohol fix. If the Compol had his way, we would live under Prohibition. You bet that a part of the problem was that there was a girl around. I say, an officer who understands drink, coupled with an environment where a girl is nearby, would have been more than nice, he would have been apologetic when asking for that Belikin.

I suspect a part of the responsibility for the crime falls on the organizers of the parade. Knowing the lax leadership we have in this country, I bet they didn’t scream it from a bullhorn that drinking from glass bottles was strictly prohibited.

The Commissioner complained because the magistrate “only” fined the felon. But the penalty was right on the money, especially if it was in US dollars. If the villain had gone beyond grabbing our Compol’s shirt and uttering stupid words, I bet the magistrate would have added nights in a cell.

We don’t know if the guy is a DNA ass. We know alcohol makes asses of some of us. He was with a young lady. We know being with a girl also makes some of us guys into asses. Well, he got fined for his folly. Will you put him in a jail, and maybe cause him to lose his job, because he is an idiot, or acted like one?

Respect to you, Compol, for your restraint in a situation in which you personally lost a little face, and a man who couldn’t hold his liquor disrespected our nation’s police uniform. Oh boy, I can feel you, your regret for not bullying his ass. Again, know that there are people in our country who are seriously grateful for the maturity you showed.

Noh worry yoself, Elvia, yu sexier than she

I have some snippets on the politics of Ms. Elvia and Ms. Thea, but I don’t come to conclusions with scant data unless I have to make a spot decision. One complaint I have about “people” is that they put too much on snippets. Check yourself; you might be malicious. Of course, it’s not impossible that Elvia deserves the shelf she got from her party. No, I’m not going to insert myself in blue business.

I say, Elvia has to feel wahn way about getting pushed aside for Thea, the new lady. I think Elvia was the last person on the government’s side to give her yay or nay to the Taiwan celebration. She looked so lonely, so all alone while everyone else in the House is getting ready to face the electorate in 2025, some to get five more years, some to get told by the electorate to clean out their desk and take home their other accessories.

Whoa there, Elvia, you needn’t be so down; I have here some consolation, if you want it. Judging you and Thea from the cover, if when you were young girls you were both in love with a young guy from my “demographic”, she would have been the girl pahn di side, you would a mi be the one to step down the aisle. Yep, from the get go you would have been ahead in the group that judges the sex appeal the way I do.

Of course, quién sabe, the nuptials proposal might have been scuttled if Elvia is one of those girls who have bad ways. You can’t always tell what’s behind the smile of a beauty queen. Ai, you have heard of those kinds of women who think man was made to serve them, completely contrary to how the Master designed it. Hn, I expect some misguided soul will say, what does luks have to do with it. I don’t mean to be rude, but please don’t make me laugh.

Ah, Ivan Ayuso

The story last week is that Ivan went to court and pled guilty to mishandling funds that belonged to the National Sports Council. In the clips I saw in the news, Ivan was smiling from ear to ear, and the rumor I heard for the grin is that his time in the pen will be reduced by half because he fessed up.

They say in the long, lonely days in prison, people spill the truth. What the hell happened with our Paslow Building? Because Diki Bradley and Rufus X couldn’t rest their hatred for Thomas Paslow, when I heard the news that the historic building was on fire, well, you don’t have to ponder long whom my mind settled on when I wondered who du it. Diki Bradley was in government then, and his department had just bought a spanking new shiny red aerial platform fire truck, just in time to deal with a fire like the one at the three-story Paslow. Daam, there was no saving us; a helpless Belize watched its valuable, historic building burn to the ground.

No philistine was brought to justice for the crime. They would have gotten some long years for the ehm, arson. Ivan, who worked on one of the floors of the building, was reportedly suspected of some improper money handling. The justice system chalked down the hateful rhetoric of Bradley and Rufus X as just talk. Ivan, they said, had a motive, and he was hauled off to court, where the lawyers provided evidence that his hands were clean. I’ll go to my grave thinking … wait, who the hell cares what I think?

Lashing is a boys’ thing

In all the time I have been throwing my two cents for lashing, it never occurred to me that it could be interpreted that I was about an equal gender thing. That is absolutely not so. I know that the other gender has gotten the whip, but their whippings were few, their reprimand coming almost exclusively when they strayed from acting ladylike.

Whipping is mainly a male thing, almost exclusively for young boys. Whipping is always provoked. I can recall only three times the belt was applied by my parents when their sons were teenagers. I got whipped twice when I was 13. My mom had a phobia, I didn’t consider her fear, and I got whipped. I couldn’t give in, and so she got my dad to whip me. I still didn’t give in, and well, she had to get over it. I remember one time my mom got the belt and gave it to my dad when he got home from work. Two of my older brothers had gotten into a fight at BEC field. They never fought each other again.

Four sinners at Plus TV

In a little exchange on Plus TV concerning coming short of the glory in the past, absolutely no one in Camalote was surprised when Brother Kerm gave a little wink. Brother Stirm readily admitted that he too had had his follies. Brother Santi, he has never shied away from telling about the weed; and Brother Fem, it’s a wonder I never met him in a rum shop. Ah, the Bible speaks about the tremendous celebrations in heaven when a sinner is saved.

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