Photo: Jennifer Lynn Griffith, deceased
by Kristen Ku
SAN PEDRO TOWN, Ambergris Caye, Mon. Apr. 8, 2024
Police are currently investigating the death of 46-year-old Jennifer Lynn Griffith, an American national living in San Pedro Town, who was involved in an altercation that ultimately led to her death.
Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams disclosed that around 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, police on patrol in the northern area of the island encountered a group involved in a brawl. Among those was Griffith, who showed visible injuries.
The incident appears to have spiraled from a collision into a building by a golf cart she and her husband, 41-year-old Maynor Rene Ancona, were on, which may have also resulted in a head injury.
In the chaos that ensued, Griffith was reportedly struck to the head by a conch shell, which worsened her injuries.
“She was taken to the police station, along with the others, where she was issued a medical form and subsequently taken to the San Pedro Poly Clinic for treatment, while the other persons were detained at the police station pending investigation,” Williams shared.
Despite being escorted to the San Pedro Polyclinic, she declined treatment and returned home, only to pass away the following day.
A forensic examination is scheduled to determine the exact cause of Griffith’s death. Meanwhile, the police have detained two individuals related to the incident—reportedly, a tour guide and a cook, from the island.
“I spoke to the director of the National Forensic Service this morning and had requested that the post mortem examination be expedited, and so it will be done first thing tomorrow morning. Once that is done, then we should be able to ascertain the cause of death, and then we will be able to consult with the DPP for guidance in terms of what charge or charges to be levied on those persons who are involved in the brawl with her,” Williams said.
At the very least the police department is planning to charge the individuals involved in the brawl for disorderly conduct. If the results of the postmortem indicate Griffith’s death was caused by the conch shell, the individual who hit her with it could quite likely be charged for manslaughter, and if Griffith’s was caused by the collision on the golf cart, her husband could probably be charged.
Notably, prior to discharging herself from the polyclinic, Griffith had indicated to police that she did not wish to lay any charges for the brawl and those involved.
It is not known if there was any element of intoxication by alcohol or other substances that could have triggered the incident.