Photo: Hon. Oscar Mira honored for years of service by Dame Froyla Tzalam
by Charles Gladden
LADYVILLE, Belize District, Fri. Jan. 27, 2023
The Belize Defence Force (BDF) held its customary anniversary ceremony at Price Barracks in Ladyville, Belize District on Friday, January 27, to signify 45 years of serving the country by securing its borders and providing a sense of security for Belizeans.
“Your love for Belize is second to none. Over the years, even with the ever-limited resources, you rise to the occasion, remaining focused and resilient in an ever-changing dangerous world. While we sleep at night, you patrol; you risk your lives just to keep our borders and our people safe,” said Deputy Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. Cordel Hyde during his remarks.
“… I know the BDF has not been without its problems. It’s been a challenging year; but day-in-and-day-out, the BDF has continued to engage in the global fight against drugs, transnational criminal activities, special operations along our borders, humanitarian operations, and other complex emerging security challenges,” Hyde continued.
At the ceremony, several BDF soldiers were awarded medals by the Governor General of Belize, Dame Froyla Tzalam, and Brigadier General Azariel Loria for their long and exceptional years of service, including the Minister of State in the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Hon. Oscar Mira, while others received recognition for good behavior.
While the official ceremony was held on that day, the BDF held an Open Day the following day, inviting members of the public to show appreciation to Belize’s servicemen.
The military group was established on January 1, 1978, after the disbanding of the Belize Volunteer Guard and the Police Special Force the year before.