Photo: CABEI Project Executive, Kerstin Morales, & Prime Minister John Briceño
by Khaila Gentle
BELMOPAN, Wed. Nov. 16, 2022
Prime Minister John Briceño received a donation of BZ$2,000,000 from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) this week, to be used as humanitarian support for the victims of Hurricane Lisa. On Wednesday, the Prime Minister signed the donation agreement with the bank’s Project Executive, Kerstin Morales.
According to CABEI’s board of directors, who approved the “non-refundable financial cooperation” on November 11, the donation serves as a gesture of solidarity with Belize, which has been a non-founding, regional member of CABEI since 2006, as it recovers from the severe damage caused by the intensity of Hurricane Lisa.
CABEI has previously supported Belize’s relief efforts following Hurricanes Eta and Iota. They have also provided donations to bolster the country’s COVID-19 relief measures.
Just this week, Cabinet approved the introduction of legislation to establish a Belize country office for the bank. In a recent press release, the Government expressed its gratitude towards CABEI for its support and said that it “looks forward to continuing the strong collaboration and partnership.”
In addition to CABEI, Belize has also received monetary support from the Inter-American Development Bank, which approved a US $200,000 donation last week. The Caribbean Development Bank has also pledged their support.
(Photo: GoB Press Office)