Photo: Her Excellency Dame Froyla Tzalam laying her wreath
by Charles Gladden
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Sept. 19, 2024
As per tradition to honor the memory of the late Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, a wreath-laying ceremony was held at the Lord Ridge Cemetery in Belize City on Thursday, September 19.

Today marks 13 years since the Father of the Nation passed away in 2011, and as a part of his memory Belize celebrated National Service Day.
“Today, we are called upon to follow his example. Service was at the core of Mr. Price’s philosophy, and the core of ours as well. He believed that every Belizean, no matter their background, had [a part] to play in shaping a better Belize,” said Deputy Mayor of Belize City, Allan Pollard.
Government dignitaries in attendance at the ceremony included Minister of Public Service, Hon. Henry Charles Usher who, as in previous years, served as the master of ceremonies; the Governor General, Her Excellency Dame Froyla Tzalam; Chairman of the National Celebrations Committee, Hon. Francis Fonseca, representing the Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. John Briceño; the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Shyne Barrow; and Deputy Mayor Pollard.
“On this service, National Service Day, each of us must look at ourselves and say, ‘What am I doing as a citizen of Belize to make Belize a better place for all of our people?’ That is the true legacy of George Price … We must also call our people to action, because that is what George Price believed in most of all – not just words, but deeds, action. And so, George Price would have wanted each of us on this day to make a commitment … renewed commitment to serving our fellow citizens, to being better Belizeans, to doing more for Belize,” said Minister Fonseca.
“We will celebrate 43 years of independence in two days, and therefore it is most fitting to pay tribute to him, his life, and belief in the goodness and determination of a free Belize. His life is a legacy of kindness, sacrifice, humility, spirituality and love for beliefs and people, a legacy for all of us to emulate,” said CEO in the Ministry of Public Service, Rolando Zetina.

Laying wreaths at the Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price’s grave were GG Froyla Tzalam; Hon. Francis Fonseca; Hon. Shyne Barrow; Deputy Mayor Pollard; CEO in the Ministry of Education, Dian Maheia; and CEO Rolando Zetina.