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Quid est veritas?

FeaturesQuid est veritas?

Monday, August 26, 2024 at 8:41 PM

All my adult life I’ve been a supporter of Israel. Back in the ‘60s through the ‘80s I rooted for them because I believed that they were the underdog, with an array of Middle Eastern countries lined up against them. Through the destruction of Sabra and Shatilla camps in Lebanon by Sharon, I backed them because I believed that Arafat was not fighting for his people; he was like Trump, in it for himself. So I supported the state of Israel, the “chosen ones.”

I do not like Netanyahu, another Trump! I think that he has led Israel on a path of no return, when it comes to the goodwill and admiration that they had achieved during those underdog days, when they were fighting for survival. Under this demagogic war criminal, Israel is almost completely isolated! That goodwill and admiration has vanished after what we are witnessing today in Gaza! Netanyahu is doing everything in his power to prolong this war until the coming US elections. I’m afraid that he’ll be disappointed, because his twin will lose!

I was watching this report on CNN about these families that have lost their children, especially, and the indifference shown towards them by the IDF and the Israeli government. They keep asking them to evacuate from one place to another, where they are bombed to kingdom come anyway! The world looks on, as though this were some game, and life goes on, or ends.

1,200-1,400 Israelis were killed on October 7, 2023! A terrible tragedy carried out by cowards who hide behind women and children! But the disproportionate response on a defenseless strip of land that offers no protection for those innocent victims is unforgivable: 40,000 dead and counting! And in my opinion, anyone who believes Netanyahu is justified in exterminating Palestinians belongs in the same category that he is currently in—that of war criminals!

The Palestinians don’t have a Mandela, or a King, or a Ghandi to lead them into the promised land. Oh, I forgot, they are already in the promised land, which has been turned into a living hell by a racist Likud party, filled with right wing extremism, crooks and gangsters and zealots! What a ting!

The Palestinians need a David, to protect them from these philistines who are devoid of any empathy! Mahmoud Abbas’s government is like a gelded animal, with no effort to lead his people to a better life. They get their money from other Arab countries, who don’t want them in their own countries, and who are working for rapprochement with Israel. In other words, the Palestinians are screwed!

It is so disgusting to see how the world looks at the war and people of Gaza. It’s like we’re visiting a zoo to get a last glance at a disappearing specie! We are all culpable for the slow and methodical extermination of a people, found guilty of the sins of their so-called leaders, who are all fat and rich and don’t care about their own!

This madness has to end! It is not anti-semitism to want to see an end to the unjust assault and extermination of a powerless population in Gaza! And no, I’m not naive or brainwashed! I see what I see; I have condemned Hamas, just as I’ve condemned Yasser Arafat for enriching himself on the plight and suffering of Palestinians! Their so-called leaders are not leaders; the billions they receive from their rich Middle Eastern contributors are not spent on the people!

I sincerely hope this madness ends soon! We should all feel dirty and guilty as we watch this tragedy unfold, with our arms folded! We are all guilty for allowing this extermination to continue!


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