by Marie-Therese Belisle Nweke
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The only worthwhile comment was that of the Russians. They KNOW their man Trump.
The rest of the world is still in cuckoo-land. As for the Chinese, their congratulatory comment was deliberately bland, because they traditionally operate with very, very long strategic goals.
If I were Taiwan, Ukraine or Iran, I would be extremely worried today. There’s no way Donald Trump will rescue Taiwan in line with the terms of the US treaty with it, should China invade and occupy what it describes as its “renegade province”. As for Ukraine, this is the end of the war, with Russia having a good slice of its territory, and the former Baltic states shivering in contemplation of who will be next in Vladimir Putin’s sights. And NATO cannot and will not help. In fact, Trump intends to cripple both NATO and the UN, to create a new Trumpian world order.
Iran has always been in Trump’s sights, and Benjamin Netanyahu will have the green light to destroy it, as well as continue his never-ending wars into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, as well as totally cleaning out Gaza, and even the West Bank, of all Palestinians by mowing all of them down, as you mow a lawn.
I have not forgotten Belize. Its nemesis, Guatemala, has two powerful friends in America and Israel. Belize rests its entire hope on the ICJ, an arm of the UN, which has absolutely no power to enforce any of its judgements. Belize has failed to bestir itself by entering a formidable defense pact with a nation possessing a military that is much more powerful than Guatemala’s. Each time I think of this, I remember the Biblical parable of the wise and foolish virgins. I rest my case.
Well, there is this aphorism: “Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit” (Man proposes, but God disposes).