Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Editor, Amandala
Dear Editor,
I write to humbly suggest that Belize remove itself from the list of six nations that are bringing a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). This request is aimed at protecting our national interests, which I assume to be of the highest priority where my compatriots are concerned.
Belize has a pending case at the ICJ right now to address our dispute with Guatemala, and I believe this lawsuit against Israel brings unwelcome attention to us at a time when we need the good favour of all who will be looking into matters that concern us. Over the years, our foreign policy initiatives have sometimes seemed to be defined by a grandiosity that is unbefitting of such a small, vulnerable, dependent country as we happen to be. I am not alone in thinking that it is not sensible for us to be veering into the realm of vainglory or foolhardiness that can cost lives and treasure.
The Middle East conflict is complex and rooted in animosities that have existed for thousands of years, in fact, ever since the nation of Israel was established. Much can be said about this, but I do not think it will lead to a fruitful discussion, since emotions are too easily roused, and it is sometimes hard to sift between what is truth and what is propaganda. One thing is clear from the historical record, and it is that the peoples who challenge the right of Israel to exist as a nation, and set themselves up as its hostile enemies, ultimately pay a very steep price for doing so. Many of their countries are no longer even on the map.
Our decision-makers therefore need to take a balanced view of things. Right now, their actions seem to indicate high umbrage and a roiling anger over how things are unfolding in the Middle East. But for the sake of Belize, I firmly believe that they should look into Biblical history and learn the way of cautious wisdom from it. The words of the prophet Zechariah that: “… I will make Jerusalem like a heavy stone—any nation that tries to lift it will be hurt” should not be taken lightly.
The crux of the matter is that Belize cannot solve this problem. We have enough of our own to deal with, needless to say. And since we cannot solve it, the international posturing should be left to countries that do not have as much to lose as we do. I believe most Belizeans would agree with me on this. Our peace and prosperity should always be carefully guarded and be the determining factors in how we deal with other nations and project ourselves on the world stage. We need more friends, not more enemies.
Those who have engineered us into this position and have kept pushing us to inject ourselves into this long-standing conflict may have a certain agenda and feel we will escape unscathed. However, that is not a guarantee that harm will not come to us. It is known that Israel and Guatemala are friends of long standing. As a Belizean, I do not think that means we cannot also be friends with Israel, which, I must remind you, did make overtures in seeking to establish a friendship with us in the past. It seems that there were not enough adults on our side who were capable of seeing past their personal grievances for the sake of our country.
I myself am not a gambler, and when I take risks, it must involve things that I am able to lose without suffering too much anguish. This is why I am asking for this matter to be reconsidered. I believe too much is at stake, and I have really not been able to sleep well since I heard this news. The question I have is this: is this government responsive to the concerns of ordinary citizens such as myself?
Only time will tell.
Very sincerely yours,
Christine Vellos