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Whooping Cough alert

HighlightsWhooping Cough alert

Photo: Whooping Cough vaccination

PAHO releases epidemiological alert for Whooping Cough

by Kristen Ku

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. July 25, 2024

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has issued an epidemiological alert following a rise in Whooping Cough (pertussis) cases globally and specifically in several countries across the Americas.

The alert calls for enhanced surveillance and increased vaccination efforts, particularly among young children, to curb the resurgence of this preventable yet potentially deadly disease.

Whooping Cough is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. The disease spreads easily through coughing and sneezing, posing a significant health risk, especially to young children under five years old. If not treated promptly with antibiotics, whooping cough can lead to severe illness and even death. Fortunately, the disease is preventable through effective vaccination programs.

The symptoms of whooping cough typically appear 7 to 10 days after infection. Early symptoms include mild fever, runny nose, and a distinctive “whooping” cough. In severe cases, the cough can lead to complications such as pneumonia, seizures, and brain damage.

According to PAHO, the recent surge in cases is likely linked to a decline in vaccination coverage for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“One of the proposed causes of the increased cases of pertussis in our region is the fact that during the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of the essential health services like the vaccination programs were impacted. And so, there were children who were not able to complete their schedule or even start their schedule,” stated Dr. Karen Lewis-Bell, PAHO/WHO representative in Belize.

Some of the countries seen to be affected recently by the resurgence include Brazil, Mexico, Peru, the United States, and some parts of Europe. While Belize has not reported a case of whooping cough for over 15 years, the PAHO alert applies to all countries in the Americas, including Belize.

The country is urged to improve vaccination coverage and strengthen its surveillance systems to maintain its disease-free status. Dr. Lewis-Bell noted that Belize has been recognized for its efforts to vaccinate children, particularly those who missed doses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Health is actively working to identify and vaccinate children who may have missed their doses, ensuring that they are protected against whooping cough and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Dr. Lewis-Bell stressed that the success of vaccination programs, like Belize’s, which have prevented whooping cough for decades, depends on public participation. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children receive all necessary vaccines, as these are critical in preventing serious diseases like whooping cough.

“I think a main responsibility lies with the parents of children under five to ensure that their children receive all the vaccines that they need, because it is well known that vaccines do save lives,” Dr. Lewis-Bell added. “Once parents or families become a bit complacent and do not ensure that their children are adequately vaccinated, then it puts them at risk for these diseases should they be introduced,” Lewis-Bell went on to say.

PAHO recommends that countries ensure over 95% coverage for all three doses of the DTP vaccine in children. Special attention should be given to children under five years old and those in population groups with low coverage. Health care workers, particularly those in maternity wards, and pregnant women are also advised to get vaccinated to protect themselves and their newborns.

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